Natural Hair is more about Self-love than the actual hair

     When we decide to go natural, we are subconsciously deciding to accept ourselves. We are deciding to let go of the fear of not being accepted and deciding to embrace our true-selves. These are some of the key components of self-love. When we decided to go natural we are truly deciding to love ourselves for who we are.

      Natural hair is more about self-love the actual hair. We embark on a natural hair “journey” because we have to change our mindset, lifestyle, and behavior. While changing what we look like outside we are transforming who we are inside. We change our interpretations of things; what we once declared as “ugly” are now considered to be beautiful! Through our natural hair journey we begin to see the beauty within our true selves.

      In order to be successful in your natural hair journey self-commitment is required. This commitment of investing in yourself begins to trickle down into your mindset, lifestyle, and behavior. We start to take care of ourselves, our natural hair journeys usually gives us the courage to embark on more journeys! We set forth on fitness journeys, healthy lifestyles, fearless journeys, shamelessness, seeking positivity, and challenge ourselves to do more because we believe in ourselves. The journey of natural hair influences us to be patient with ourselves, invest in ourselves, and believe in ourselves. But most importantly it teaches us to love ourselves.