I love to give my body cleanses. Usually with the changing of the seasons I cleanse my body by using foods and smoothies. But for the first time last winter I tried it with tea! I have a very troubling obsession with tea so I was super excited to give it a try. I tried the Teami Tea Skinny and Colon blends. Taking the Skinny tea every morning and the Colon every other night.
Now that it's summer I was ready for another cleanse! To get summer ready and kick off my summer fitness routine. I ordered a second package of my Teami Tea Tox and along side my new Vegetarian DIET and EXERCISE here are my Teami Tea Tox Results!
Team Tea is perfect for kicking off your fitness journey! One of the best parts of the tea is its great for bloating! I have really bad bloating as you could see in the before pictures but thanks to my Teami Tea Tox it has gone down significantly. My waist line has shrunken down significantly as well. It looks like all of those waist exercises are finally working! :)