How to: Wand Curl Kinky HerGivenHair Natural Hair Extensions

I've had my HerGivenHair for just about a month now, so you know what that means! Its time for an update! Frankly I am in love with this hair. My texture is very complex within its pattern making it difficult to find hair that will easily blend with mine. HerGivenHair blends SEAMLESSLY with my 4B/4C Natural Hair. I  posted a few pictures on my Instagram sharing my new protective style and no one noticed the difference! Isn't that amazing!

HerGivenHair Twistout

I wore the hair in its natural state for a week and the following week I began playing with different styles. The first style I tired was a Twist out! The definition was amazing and matched my hair perfectly! I used the L.O.C Method while styling the hair using BJCO and Camille Rose Naturals Twisting Butter. My twist out was defined, soft and elongated! The best part is the twist out lasted for over a week with out any maintenance! What else could you ask for!

The best thing about Natural hair extensions is that it gives you the opportunity to try things you wouldn't dare try on your natural hair. I stay away from using Heat and decided to give it a try on my HerGivenhair! I've always been a sucker for Wand Curls and couldn't wait to see how the hair will take to heat styling. 

How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair
How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair
How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair
How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair
How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair
How to: Wand Curl HerGivenHair

I began by grabbing a medium sized section of hair, spritzing with a little bit of water to moisturize and soften the hair. Working that through before grabbing a dime size amount of my Homemade Shea Butter Cream to lock in the moisture, add shine and serve as a Heat Protectant. For a smooth finish I detangled with a wide tooth comb before spiting the section into two and wrapping the hair around the wand. Super easy! Detangling the hair after a week old twist out was surprisingly a breeze. The hair did shed but given the fact its been a week is pretty expected. This process only took me 45 minutes to complete. 

Shedding HerGivenHair
Wand Curls HerGivenHair
HerGivenHair Wand Curls

To help my hair blend with the new texture of the hair I used my Camille Rose Natural Aloe Whipped Butter Gel and Flexi rods on my leave out applying the product and rods on dry hair. After that all that was left to do was fluff and blend! 

Flexi rod set
How to Blend HerGivenHair
How to Blend HerGivenHair
How to Blend HerGivenHair

The results were absolutely amazing! My best and favorite protective style of all time! The Curls were fluffy, defined and textured which was my favorite part! Allowing my Flexi ride set to blend in seamlessly! It is official I am in love with HerGiveHair!

Flexi Rod Set on HerGivenHair Natural Hair Extensions

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